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You will be asked to share your work. You might be asked to share your work out loud or participate in a gallery walk in which you display your work for other classmates and parents to see. I understand that you cannot create a masterpiece every night. Do not pressure yourself unnecessarily. If you are an uncomfortable drawer have no fear, we will write a lot too! If you are not a lover of either drawing or writing, you will enjoy skits, debates, group work, and act-it-outs.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009.
VeArd Computer Research, Inc. Welcome to the VeArd Family website. VeArd Computer Research, Inc.
This blog has been created to document the experiences my family and I share while living, learning, working, and playing in Melbourne, Australia. Every effort will be made to update this at least once every week, so please feel free to check back frequently. Friday, September 25, 2009. My two oldest children, Maddie and Ty, have only recently recovered from a bout with the chicken pox. Well, it is lo.